Our doors are open for you to be part of our family.


We want to meet you


Schedule an appointment for advice.
Telephone: 8330 1204
Whatsapp: +52 812 392 2238
Email: info@antoniomachado.edu.mx

Live the CAM experience

Come and live as a member of our beloved family

Live the CAM Experience

We invite our beloved future students to live the experience of coming and living as a member of our beloved CAM Family, so they can feel and enjoy their visit accompanied by a host.
This moment is used to assess their strengths and areas of opportunity in the academic, social, maturity and development of their own age.


Welcome, you are already part of our beautiful family


According to the conclusions of the CAM experience, a feedback appointment is made, where the registration application is submitted and filled out.

    Student Information:

    Fecha de nacimiento:

    Parent´s Info: